Staying fit and eating right is the key to an improved quality of life.

Welcome to our online resource of valuable tips, personal hacks, and improved methods towards living a healthier lifestyle.

Staying fit and eating right is the key to an improved quality of life.

Welcome to our online resource of valuable tips, personal hacks, and improved methods towards living a healthier lifestyle.

Staying fit and eating right is the key to an improved quality of life.

Welcome to our online resource of valuable tips, personal hacks, and improved methods towards living a healthier lifestyle.

Staying fit and eating right is the key to an improved quality of life.

Welcome to our online resource of valuable tips, personal hacks, and improved methods towards living a healthier lifestyle.

Avoid the doctor by implimenting proper nutrition with exercise in your daily routine.

Welcome to our online resource of valuable tips, personal hacks, and improved methods towards living a healthier lifestyle.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Applying Periodization to Bodybuilding - WNBF Article Winter 2015 / 2016

You can read this article on the WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation Website
by Clicking Here

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The 5 Components of Fitness

5 Components of Fitness and Benefits


What does it mean to be fit?  Is it a good 10K run time, a low percentage of body fat, a 300 lb bench press, the ability to hike 30 miles with 50 lbs on your back, or being able to play with your grandchildren all afternoon?  In truth, it could be all of these things.  There are five components which contribute to overall physical fitness.  They consist of cardiorespiratory function, body composition, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility.

Cardiorespiratory Function

Cardiorespiratory function relates to the ability of the circulatory and respiratory (heart and lungs) to supply the fuel necessary during sustained activity or exercise.  Training your cardiorespiratory system can increase your aerobic endurance, reduce body fat, reduce stress, and is essential in preventing the occurrence of cardiovascular problems.

Body Composition

Body composition has to do with the amount of body weight that is fat and lean body mass.  Healthy levels of body fat not only looks good but also is important in lowering risk for health issues and psychological problems.  Diet, cardiorespiratory training, and strength training can all influence body composition.

Muscular Strength

Muscular Strength relates to the ability of an individual or group of muscles to generate the maximum amount of force.  Strength training and other activities that increase muscular strength can increase bone density helping to prevent osteoporosis.  Activities that promote strength can also strengthen connective tissue and improve body composition by increasing lean body mass.

Muscular Endurance

Muscular Endurance is the capability of an individual muscle or group of muscles to perform repetitive contractions over an extended period of time.  Exercises associated with developing muscular endurance can improve low-back/core function.  Increasing muscular endurance will enable you to perform daily activities with less physiological stress.


Flexibility relates to the ability to move a specific joint through the full range of motion without experiencing any discomfort or pain.  It's especially important to maintain/improve flexibility in the low back and hamstrings or it will put you at higher risk for developing chronic low back pain.  Good flexibility can also reduce risk for joint sprain or muscle spasm.

My Conclusion

All the components of fitness contribute to having an active healthy lifestyle.  Improving these fitness elements can also improve quality of life and will assist in prevention of major health problems.  It is my opinion that a well-designed exercise program will incorporate all of the fitness components.  Depending on your specific goals and needs, more or less time can be allocated for each component.  Certain exercises or movements can actually stack stressing several components at the same time.  So exercise selection for maximal efficiency becomes critical.  It is my intent to address the concept of specificity with regards to your needs as well as program design and exercise selection in future blogs.

Canyon Twer-MS, CSCS

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Excellent teaching progression for squats

Teach Any Athlete How To Squat Properly.

 In this episode of STACK Elite Performance, Mike Boyle demonstrates three exercises that can teach proper Squat form to any athlete.


Watch this amazing video
Click image to watch video
Click image to see a proper squat